The EarthBound Project


Mother 3 Petition
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Here you can read about the story of EarthBound.

The whole story starts when a meteor lands in Onett, Ness' town.  He begins to investigate, and soon he finds a bee named Buzz Buzz who says he is from the future.  He says that an alien named Gigyas wants to take over Earth( thus "EarthBound").  It is up to Ness to stop him.  The whole ordeal would be easier if Buzz Buzz would come along, but unfortunately Pokey's mother killed him.

EarthBound was quite an unpopular game in the U.S.  One of the reasons was probably because it didn't have too good of graphics.  But those who were smart enough to look at how FUN it was would really in enjoy the game.  Unlike most R.P.G.'s, which are set in around medieval times, EarthBound is set in the mid '90s.  And instead of "Righteous Swords" and "Deadly Maces", you have ultimately more leathal weapons such as baseball bats, yo-yo's, and most of all Frying Pans.
